So, the last two weeks have been kind of hectic for me artwise. I haven't really done anything but sketch and taking advice from various videos and a fellow artist that I've met through the school. But in doing that, my sketches became sloppy, unreadable, unenjoyable for me to do at some point, and just not viewed well by the small following that I DO have. It wasn't until Jonathan actually gave me his honest opinion about where I was going with my new style. I was hellbent on making it work because it worked for all the other artists I've been taking advice from and I wanted to be better.
"You were better before, now it just looks like ameture work..." Ameture. Oh My GOD.
Never in my WHOLE life as an artist was I EVER called that, even through high school. And the only reason why it means something now, because he's right. I shouldn't focus on trying to be like EVERYONE ELSE. I should continue to draw the way that I was comfortable, but still take certain advice to heart. It was Jonathan who actually knows my style, who knows me as an artist, and he gave me somethng back that I probably would have lost forever. So now, I'm back on track with where I want to be, and where I need to be. Thank you Jonathan! It means alot.
Also, I'll be painting faces at our Melon patch on Sunday, and I'm REALLY looking forward to it!